Deleveled Up Inc.

Wedding Quiz Builder is live!

Deleveled Up's first title project has launched, and has been updated for custom colouring.
A few more feature updates are on the way.

This Quiz Builder was styled for the big day and is the perfect tool for building a custom quiz game to be played with family and friends.

Quick and easy to setup!

Write the questions and answers, set the scores, and host on your iPad, iPod, or iPhone for your guests to enjoy.

Find out who knows these topics best - you or the players!

Free iTunes Download

There is a one-time full feature unlock fee.
Try before you buy!

Wedding Quiz Builder - Live!

The Wedding Quiz Builder was styled for the big day and is the perfect tool for building a custom quiz game to be played with family and friends.

Bachelor Quiz Builder - On-hold

The Bachelor Quiz Builder will have a cool looking interface perfect tool for building a custom quiz game to be played with family and friends.

Bachelorette Quiz Builder - On-hold

The Bachelorette Quiz Builder will have a cool looking interface perfect tool for building a custom quiz game to be played with family and friends.

Dice Tracker - December 2016

Do you enjoy board games? Do any of those games use dice? Here's an app to help keep track of all the dice outcomes and see once and for all how "fair" these dice really are!

Cribbage Tracker - Fall 2017

Now you can play cribbage even without a board. This handy app will allow you to input scores as you play. No need to fumble with the pegs, or scratch it out on paper anymore!


More to come when there's time to burn...